The "coal-fired monster" is waved off by Andrew Forrest as he inaugurates the new wind farm

One of the largest wind energy projects completed in New South Wales, the 224 MW banjo wind farm, was officially launched in the southern part of the state – billionaire Andrew Forrest appeared on top of one of the 46 turbines.

The hydroelectric project was officially launched on the network on Friday morning, when Australia's largest coal-fired power plant, the Liddell power plant in the Upper Hunter region of New South Wales, was officially launched.

The timing of both events was favored by Forest, who owned the tatarang swarm group, which last year purchased renewable energy assets from cwp, including pangu, and added them to their portfolio of projects with a capacity of 20 gw.

"On this day, at the moment, Lidl - this coal monster-was finally officially shut down, when we opened a new green future," Forrest told the audience at the opening of the wind farm.

We don't expect warming, we don't expect climate change - you like it! "You stand there," Forrest says.

So, when we cut this thread to open a renewable energy plant with a capacity of about a quarter of a gigawatt, no damage to the environment, and no climate-neutral, we want to strike the fossil fuel sector again.

Although the importance of closing the Lidl is not taken into consideration, the opening is a major challenge for New South Wales as it is the first online wind farm in the state in more than a year.

Even at the top of the National Solar Energy Charts, New South Wales-both large and rooftop-is behind where wind power, as well as battery, as coal power plants are beginning to appear.

The banjo wind farm is located 30 km north of Yas in New South Wales, and its full generating capacity will provide up to 748 GWh of renewable energy per year to the network – enough to provide about 144,000 homes with electricity.

The project also included an agreement to provide the Woolworths Giant Food Store with about 30% of its energy needs in New South Wales, similar to 108 supermarkets.

Snowy Hydro and Transurban also signed an electricity purchase agreement with Banjo, which Swarm says means that - along with Sapphire Wind Farm now – the company provides 80% of the combined electricity needs of the Eastern Sydney retailer, Cross City Tunnel, Hills M2, Lane Cove tunnel and WestConnex toll roads.

As an industry, we need to provide 40 wind turbines a month to achieve the federal government's goal of using 82 percent renewable energy by 2030," Forrest said on Friday.

Today we are introducing 46 turbines in the first wind farm to be invited to New South Wales in more than a year

As a corporation, and especially as a group, we must do everything we can to help our country eliminate environmental pollution.

Our business in full cooperation with the government should do everything possible to reduce our country's emissions.

Swarm will play an important role, providing one-third of the energy needed to reach 82 percent from renewable sources by 2030.

Forrest talks about a major game of renewable energy resources, especially in renewable hydrogen, but he has recently negotiated, having made tangible progress in several projects within the consortium.

On Friday, to commemorate this event, a steel pillar appeared above one of the turbines of the Bangu wind farm.

It was reported that the banjo wind farm 2019 will be the first in the world to use the 5.3 MW Cypress turbine from GE, which at the time was one of the largest terrestrial wind turbines in production, and is also currently being installed in Australia.
