Why You Need Web Hosting and 4 Easy Steps for Hosting a Website


In order to create a website on a separate platform such as WordPress, you must first ensure the security of web hosting. The easiest way to do this is to register a web hosting service.

Different web hosting companies offer different types of hosting. Choosing the right type of hosting can have a negative impact on the success of your website, and you will spend more money than you should. It is necessary to understand all the options available.

This article will tell you what web hosting is, why you need it, and how to host a web site on the Internet. We will also provide advice on choosing the best hosting provider for your needs and will answer frequently asked questions about web hosting.

Why do you need web hosting?

When you create a website, the files are placed on your device. In order to make your website hosting locally available on the internet, you must host it to a server. That's why web hosting.

Web hosting requires a server and the knowledge needed to maintain it. Those who do not have a hosting budget or need a dedicated server can host their website through a hosting provider. At the same time, hosting providers rent server and service sites by maintaining a website file at a monthly or yearly fee.

Here are the benefits of using their services:

  • Save the money. Buying a hosting solution is Cheaper Than hosting your own website. You only need selected hosting plans, while hosting companies take care of the cost of maintenance and renovation.
  • High Scalability. If the current hosting plan can no longer match the growth rate of the site, you can update it or switch to other types of hosting.
  • Easy to use. The structure of all servers and resources is simplified and displayed through an easy-to-use hosting account, which allows beginners to use the hosting service without difficulty.
  • A successful time. The hosting provider you choose will take care of the technical aspects of hosting, server maintenance and security monitoring. In this way, you will have more time to focus on your website.
  • Support available. Most of the hosting solutions are with the support of customers every day. When there is a problem with the server, someone with the technical knowledge necessary to solve the problem is always ready to help you.
  • Focus on the show. Many hosting providers incorporate additional features and tools into their plans to ensure the success of the best websites.

Step 4 to host a website

Using web hosting services is easier than you think. Unlike hosting your local website, you don't have to deal with the financial difficulties and burdens of managing your own server.

Let's take a look at the right steps in web hosting to see how it works.

1. Select the type of your website

Before you start creating a website, remember that there are two main types of websites – static and dynamic.

Static website offers similar pages and content to all users. Examples include blogs, portfolio websites, and business websites. Static web hosting can often be avoided by basic web hosting plans as it requires smaller storage space and server resources.

Active sites display adaptive content that varies for each visitor depending on the structure of the site or the user's behavior. This group includes social networking sites, e-commerce websites, and subscription-based websites such as Netflix.

Therefore, active sites often require a comprehensive and accessible hosting plan with storage space, memory and bandwidth.

Once you have defined the type of website you create, it becomes easier to estimate the amount of resources they need to work properly. Then, you can reduce the number of web hosting services according to your requirements.

Most web hosting companies offer different hosting plans for static and dynamic websites. Hostinger, for example, provides shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting and Vps Hosting Services.

In most cases, each hosting plan has a well-defined function, which facilitates determining which plans are tailored to your needs. Many hosting platforms, including Hostinger, classify the types of hosting depending on how convenient they are, from microblogs to large companies.

2. Research hosting providers

Because the hosting you choose plays an important role in the functioning of your website, it is necessary to carefully consider your preferences.

One of the most common flaws that beginners make is to rely on price to determine the quality of service in a hosting company. Some hosting companies have a lower starting price, which provides more resources and, in general, better service than companies with a higher starting price, and vice versa.

Because testing each hosting service is time-consuming and expensive, the best thing you can do is to find articles comparing popular web hosting providers. These detailed reviews, which often include detailed comparisons of features, plans and user experience, can give you an idea of the advantages and disadvantages of each hosting provider.

With this in mind, we have written an article about the comparison of Hostinger to the four most popular hosting providers. Read them and make decisions based on what you see.

  • Hostinger Vs GoDaddy
  • Hostinger Vs Bluehost
  • Hostinger vs citygro
  • Hostinger vs namchap

When choosing a hosting providerund, consider facilitating the user's use of your website. Find a hosting company that provides easy integration with popular content management systems (CMS), such as WordPress Hostinger or simple web builders.

3. Choose a hosting plan

Choosing a web hosting plan is important when creating a website, because different types of hosting provide different resources. Storage space, RAM and number of processors are factors to consider when choosing a hosting service.

It becomes easier to choose a hosting plan if you know what hosting to choose. Let's continue with the popular types of hosting offered by most hosting providers and consider the advantages and disadvantages.

Shared Hosting

What is it: when hosting together, a number of websites share the same server resources. This is a great choice for those who love easy accommodation.

Suitable for: small and medium-sized sites with low traffic volume.

Benefits: shared hosting is very economical and suitable for beginners. Users with little or no technical expertise can still use shared hosting services, as web hosting is engaged in server maintenance and management.

Negative: having multiple websites hosted on the same server means that the success of a website can affect the rest. For example, if other websites on the server experience a surge in traffic, your website may or may not even fail.

Host a virtual private server

What is it: VPS hosting provides resources from a dedicated server, which is divided into several virtual servers. Each section contains resources designed for specific users.

Suitable for: when it comes to shared hosting compared to VPS hosting, the latter is more suitable for large sites such as ecommerce sites and popular blogs. It is also the best option for those who want flexibility and autonomy about the layout of the server.

Positive: a reserved resource means better server performance and control over it than a shared hosting. This type of hosting is easier than hosting a dedicated server.

Pros: web hosting on a VPS server requires technical knowledge of resource management and server configuration. In addition, having a dedicated virtual private server is more expensive than sharing a single physical server with other users.

Cloud hosting

What it is: with cloud hosting, a web browser runs on multiple cloud servers rather than relying solely on a single physical server. If one server fails, the other takes its place.

Convenient for: a busy website that requires resource availability and can't afford time off. It is also a good choice for those who want the simplicity of shared hosting and the effectiveness of VPS hosting.

Positive: high time and good portability. Cloud hosting provides you with a dedicated resource but requires minimal technical expertise.

Cons: Cloud Hosting is more expensive than shared hosting. It also provides autonomy for webmasters about server structure for hosting vps.

Wordpress Hosting

What it is: WordPress Hosting is specifically designed for WordPress websites. It is often accompanied by plugins already installed to handle technical situations, software updates and security measures.

Suitable for: just start having a small and medium-sized website. This is a great option for those who want to use WordPress to create their website.

Good: as with common hosting, WordPress hosting requires little technical knowledge. The hosting company handles all technical issues such as basic updates and backup, allowing users to focus on the development of their WordPress site.

Cons: Wordpress Hosting is a bit more expensive than shared hosting. It also gives the Website Owner no control over server configuration compared to other types of hosting, such as VPs.

Dedicated hosting

What it is: Dedicated Hosting offers a complete server and a resource for a website. This means that you get your own dedicated resource, an advanced Server management tool and flexible with full driver.

Suitable for: those with advanced technical skills and knowledge in the field of server management. It is best suited for large websites with a lot of traffic and a lot of data.

Positive: hosting a dedicated server provides more resources, deeper repairs and better performance than any other type of hosting.

Minus: they are the most expensive and inappropriate for beginners of the Four hosting types listed here. You can connect to a hosting company that offers dedicated hosting, but it will be more expensive than managing your own server.

4. Get a domain name for your website

Every website needs a domain name. This is the address the visitor enters in the browser to access the site.

The domain name consists of two components-a secondary domain (SLD) and a higher domain (TLD). Take Hostinger.com for example, "Hostinger" is an SLD or domain name, while " com " is a TLD or domain extension.

Since the domain name cannot be changed after registration, it is important to make good decisions. Here are some tips on choosing the right domain name:

  • Look at your niche. Find a popular keyword or search query related to your brand or industry and consider adding them to your name. Use an online name creator if you need to be inspired by the name.
  • Com, if possible. The use of the most popular platform extensions can help to demonstrate the integrity of the site.
  • Avoid numbers, lines and symbols. These components make it difficult to remember your name and increase the likelihood of typos.
  • Strive for simplicity. Avoid long words or phrases. The right domain name should be short and memorable, which facilitates the visibility of website visitors.
  • Look at the authenticity. Choose a domain name that has nothing to do with an existing company or brand. It is also necessary to verify whether the domain name you choose is copyrighted in order to avoid potential lawsuits.

Before deciding on the final option, check if there is the desired domain name for using an online search. If someone else says the domain name you have chosen, choose one of the options offered by the domain authentication service, or switch to another domain extension.

What it is: WordPress Hosting is specifically designed for WordPress websites. It is often accompanied by plugins already installed to handle technical situations, software updates and security measures.

Suitable for: just start having a small and medium-sized website. This is a great option for those who want to use WordPress to create their website.

Good: as with common hosting, WordPress hosting requires little technical knowledge. The hosting company handles all technical issues such as basic updates and backup, allowing users to focus on the development of their WordPress site.

Cons: Wordpress Hosting is a bit more expensive than shared hosting. It also gives the Website Owner no control over server configuration compared to other types of hosting, such as VPs.

You can also use the domain transfer service to transfer your domain name registration to hostinger. However, keep in mind that this method requires you to pay a fee for shipping the platform.

Advice when looking for web hosting

With so many options available, it is necessary to do in-depth research to find suitable solutions for hosting your website.

It's also important to think long-term. Large web hosting providers offer a variety of hosting plans with easy repairs available to support the growth of the website.

The following sections will cover all the factors to consider when looking for web hosting.

Reliable operation

Since 40% of people are away from a website that takes more than three seconds to load, a secure display is important for web hosting.

Web hosting can affect everything from the conversion rate of websites to SEO strategies. Google punishes websites for slow editing and high ratings by lowering their rankings to the search engine results page (SERPS).

The success of your website may increase or decrease your conversion rate if you manage an online business. The highest conversion rate is observed when the page is loaded in one to two seconds, with a conversion rate of 3.05% per second.

To determine if a website provides reliable performance, be careful of the following factors:

  • Time for the first byte (TFP). It measures the response of a website depending on the time it takes a web server to respond to HTTP requests from website visitors. At best, this interval is less than 200 milliseconds.
  • Time sending components. It indicates the speed of the web server carrying stored content, which should not exceed a few milliseconds.

Web testing tools can be described as the best way to measure the effectiveness of a website. Gmtrix, one of the most popular web testing tools, uses a variety of metrics to analyze website performance.

According to gametrix, Hostinger's homepage provides an " a " rating with a score of 97%.

The hostinger Speed index, which determines the time needed to integrate the content of the Website, is considered positive. The maximum speed limit is 1000 ms or less.

The same applies to TFP Hostinger, which has scored fewer than 200 MS server response time limits offered by Google Pagespeed Insights.

We are able to deliver these results via lightspeed to our main server. Lightspeed cache is pre-installed on all hosting accounts to ensure high speed.

Ensuring security

Cyber attacks are dangerous on websites of all sizes. Their quotas are increasing each year, reaching an average of 35,400,000 by 2022. Because most types of online attacks are targeted at web servers, hosting your site on a secure server is very important.

A good web hosting provider should have clear and comprehensive cybersecurity protocols. Here are some of the best ways to protect your business:

Copy of Backup. Your host should keep a copy of your website file in a secure location and provide it if necessary.

Ask. The SSL protocol encrypts the connection between the web client and the server, protecting your data and personal information. You need an SSL certificate to access this protocol.

Internet Firewall application (WAF). Your host should be able to monitor and block harmful HTTP traffic entering and exiting your web application.

Software updates. Updating plugins or other software helps eliminate security vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

Network monitoring. A good web host monitors the internal network 24/7 for suspicious activities to identify issues before they affect the network.

Removal of antivirus and malware. All files that you add to a web server must be checked if there are malware and viruses. Your hosting provider should provide you with the tools necessary to identify and eliminate them.

Denial Of Service Prevention (DDoS). Hosting providers should be able to prevent attackers from overflowing their servers with traffic from multiple websites and cause the website to fall.

Access is restricted. Your hosting account must have the Secure Socket Shell Protocol (SSH) and the ability to store IP address lists and reserve the right of access to files.

All Hostinger hosting plans include a free ssl certificate, backup, access control, dos security and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Regarding malware security, Hostinger uses imunify 360 and monarchs to monitor servers and improve their security.

Hard work

Most hosting platforms offer a variety of features in addition to their hosting services. The goal is to provide safe access to the creation and management of websites.

Here are some of the advantages of hosting providers:

  • Tools for creating a website. Access to the tools for creating a website, suitable for beginners, makes the development of the website simple and efficient.
  • Ftp calculation. This makes it easier to transfer files and folders. You can arrange the file transfer and continue the process when the connection is lost.
  • Email hosting. The ability to create an email account based on the platform is especially useful for businesses. Unlike free email hosting services such as Gmail, paid email hosting providers often provide better security, more storage space and more scalability.
  • Domain name registration. The relationship with the hosting provider that offers this service facilitates the maintenance of your name. It is preferable that they withdraw from registration fees during the first year, which usually means "domain name free".
  • Software integration. Hostinger, for example, contains pre-installed plugins and an automated installer with all hosting plans, facilitating the installation and integration process.
  • Copy of Backup. Best of all, you can set your own schedule and store backups in your favorite places, such as Google Cloud. So, you always have two ready backup ‒ one in your hosting storage and one in your list.
  • Migration Services. Providing a free migration service is a guaranteed sign that the receiving company has human resources to provide high-quality support.
  • Medium. The intermediate site allows you to perform tests, make adjustments and identify errors without jeopardizing your site today.
  • Managing the hosting. A good hosting provider gives you the opportunity to automate software updates and configuration of the server.

User experience

Since you will be logged in to a daily web service provider dashboard to manage your website, it is better to look at the intuitive web interface. The best thing is that you can access all the tools you need to maintain your website and hosting resources.

The most widely used hosting control panel is cPanel, which is used by many hosting companies.. You can also find a web hosting service with a dedicated control panel.

Hostinger, for example, provides a special control panel called hpanel. It prioritizes easy and easy use of your web hosting account. Users can customize everything from ftp users, platforms, web-based migration tools, mysql data and email accounts to one location.

The value of money

Web Hosting is one of the costs of hosting a website. Domain names, SSL certificates, and regular maintenance tasks such as backups and caching increase the hosting total.

Therefore, choosing a web hosting service that offers good value for money can save money, at least in the first year.

For example, at $1.99 per month, we have a hosting plan that includes 24/7 customer support, free ssl certificates, weekly backups, Cloudflare protected nameservers, 99.9% uptime guarantees and FTP accounts.

24/7 customer support

A good hosting provider offers services to customers every day. This is especially important in the event of a delay, crash, or even an unexpected security breach.

However, it is important to choose a hosting provider that offers other support resources. They may include active client support channels, instruction, or even live chat features.

It is also necessary to find a web hosting provider that provides a sustainable database of general web hosting information to support customer training.

Hostinger data, for example, offers a quick solution to a common problem. It also provides a great resource for users who want to expand their knowledge about web hosting.


Your website will grow over time, so it is important to look for a hosting provider that allows you to balance it. With web hosting available, you can update the hosting features and resources to bring sustainable growth.

For example, hostinger offers three common hosting plans. Therefore, site owners can measure their existing fee plans once or twice before moving on to other types of hosting with multiple resources, such as cloud hosting or virtual private servers.


Interaction with web hosting companies is the most convenient and economical way of hosting websites.

With an excellent hosting provider, you don't have to worry about the technical details of managing your website. This can include hardware maintenance, software installation, resource management, bandwidth and storage storage.

Web hosting service providers help ensure the optimal performance of websites and a higher security protocol than self-hosting. Therefore, website owners can devote more time to what is needed for web development, for example, content creation and SEO optimization.

We hope this article will give you a better idea of how to host a website. Remember that it is very important to do proper research to choose the appropriate hosting provider for your needs. Consider factors such as scalability, cost and security to determine the integrity of web hosting.

If you have more questions about how to host a website, leave your questions in the comments section below.
