Netenrich Introduces AI/ML Platform for Cloud Security

With the shift to cloud services, businesses can focus on their core competencies while also reducing capital outlays and operational expenses. Cloud adoption also comes with new security risks that must be addressed.

Security remains a challenge for enterprises moving their applications and workloads to public cloud environments. With any cloud deployment, the security of private data is essential. There are new threats, such as malicious insiders or suppliers, software glitches, and unsecured APIs.

This is why it’s critical to have a cloud security strategy in place before launching your organization’s first cloud project.

If you’re looking for best practices and the right tools to implement them for your organization’s specific needs, this blog post will get you started with five actionable tips from netENRICH AI/ML Platform for Cloud Security.

Change the Culture, Train Employees, and Manage Risk

The first step in securing your organization’s data is to change the culture. You can’t just buy new technologies and expect security to happen by itself.

The way you do business has to change so that security is embraced as part of your organizational culture. This will include training employees and managing risk through policies and procedures.

Lock Down Administrative Accounts

Administrative accounts are the most common point of entry for a cyber-criminal. If your company is using a cloud provider, it’s crucial to ensure that these accounts are locked down.

You should designate someone in your organization who will be responsible for administrative access to external services and also make sure that person is not involved in any other aspect of your company’s operation.

This way, if something happens, there’s a chance somebody else can take over the account and minimize damage from a breach. Additionally, you should set up two-factor authentication (2FA) for all administrative accounts.

Requiring 2FA provides an additional layer of protection against malicious attacks. It’s important to educate employees about security best practices and have them follow guidelines like those on this list so that they stay informed and aware of their role in protecting company data.

Use a Cloud-Based IDS/IPS

One of the first steps in protecting your cloud environment is to install a network intrusion detection system/intrusion protection system (IDS/IPS) in your cloud.

IDSs and IPSs are used to monitor and analyze traffic to protect against malware, ransomware, or other forms of cyberattacks that could cause the loss of data and time.

IDSs and IPSs are especially useful in environments where there are many unknown entities on the network. In a cloud deployment, using an IDS can help you identify rogue systems or devices, such as IoT devices, before they can do any damage.

Deploy Encryption Everywhere

Deploying encryption everywhere is the most important step in a cloud security strategy. Encryption is the process of encoding data (plaintext) using an algorithm (cipher) so that it cannot be read by anyone without the key to decrypt it.

Encrypting your organization’s sensitive data helps ensure that it remains secure from attackers, even if an attack does happen. You can encrypt your data in transit and at rest, which is another term for when data is stored on a device or server.

Monitor Network Activity with AI/ML

netENRICH AI/ML Platform for Cloud Security provides analytics and monitoring of network activity to detect and analyze potential threats. Many organizations rely on network analysis to identify malicious activities on the network.

However, traditional methods often miss important events because they only monitor a limited set of information or data points and don’t have full visibility into all relevant events. This is where not enriching AI/ML Platform for Cloud Security can help.

It monitors both your networks and the cloud environment to provide deep insight into all aspects of security. With its artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it can proactively identify anomalies based on historical data that may signal a threat.

This helps you avoid any security risks before they cause significant damage to your organization’s private data.>>END>>

Netenrich, a leading cloud security provider, offers a new AI/ML-based platform that helps organizations detect, analyze and respond to cyber breaches in real-time.

Netenrich is the only company with AI/ML-powered cybersecurity that combines predictive analysis, anomaly detection, and automation to tackle today’s complex cybersecurity challenges.

The Netenrich AI/ML-powered platform can be deployed in minutes, does not require any big data infrastructure, and integrates seamlessly with any firewall or IPS.
