Rules Unclear for ACT With Queanbeyan To Provide Free Flu Vaccines

The ACT government has announced it will be providing free flu vaccines from Thursday October 25 through to the end of November. The ACT Department of Health has confirmed that this is for people who meet the criteria for receiving an influenza vaccination without charge.

The announcement follows on from a similar program in place last year and means Canberra residents over the age of six will be able to get their flu shot at no cost in pharmacies, medical practices and public health clinics across the city. Better Omicron Immunity

However, it appears this may only be available to those living in Queanbeyan or planning to visit soon – which raises some questions as to why there are different rules for residents of one city versus another. Read on to discover more about free flu vaccinations in the ACT this autumn.

What is a free flu shot and why is it free?

A flu shot is a vaccination that helps reduce the risk of contracting influenza by building immunity to the different strains of the virus that are circulating in the community.

As the flu is highly infectious, it can be particularly dangerous for a range of people, including young children, pregnant women, people with underlying medical conditions, and the elderly.

A flu shot is not suitable for everyone, including people with allergies to any vaccine ingredients, people with severe or moderate acute illness and unvaccinated children aged six months to less than nine years.

The ACT Government has decided to provide free flu vaccinations to residents for the second year in a row, in an effort to increase immunisation rates across the ACT.

Last year, around 14,500 people received their free flu shot, which is why the ACT Government has decided to provide free flu vaccinations again this year.

Who can get a free flu vaccination in the ACT?

People who meet the criteria for receiving an influenza vaccination without charge are advised to visit their doctor, pharmacist or a public health clinic as soon as possible to get immunised.

If you are unsure if you meet these criteria, you can also contact your pharmacist or doctor for advice. The following people are advised to get vaccinated: pregnant women; people aged 65 years or over; Indigenous people; people with chronic diseases; and people who live with, care for or come into close contact with people at high risk of complications from the flu.

What does 'meeting the criteria' mean?

The flu vaccination is available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) to people who meet the eligibility criteria.

The ACT Government has decided to provide free flu vaccinations to residents for the second year in a row, in an effort to increase immunisation rates across the ACT.

Last year, around 14,500 people received their free flu shot, which is why the ACT Government has decided to provide free flu vaccinations again this year.

Is this available to all Canberrans?

Yes. This program is open to people living in the ACT, as well as those who are visiting the ACT during the vaccination period.

Does this mean other vaccinations will be free as well?

At this stage, the free flu vaccination program is not expected to affect the other vaccinations offered through the PBS.

However, the ACT Government is considering extending the free flu vaccination program to other groups. However, it is important to note that people who receive certain government benefits may be able to get the flu vaccine free of charge.

These include people receiving a Pension, Health Care Card (Seniors card), CTP or Veterans Affairs benefits and people aged under 21 who receive Family Tax Benefit.

FAQ: Everything you need to know about ACT's Free Flu Shots

- What is the flu? - Who can get a free flu vaccination in the ACT? - What does 'meeting the criteria' mean? - Is this available to all Canberrans? - Does this mean other vaccinations will be free as well? - FAQ: Everything you need to know about ACT's Free Flu Shots
