- New releases of products are usually an opportunity for the manufacturer to do two things: introduce new features and improve on the old ones. In the case of Intel’s new release of their Nervana range of AI chips, the latter is what caught our attention.
- The latest generation, codenamed RTX 4000, is a significant step backward from its predecessor, the RTX 5000. Read on to find out why – and learn how we think it might be a clever move by Intel.
- If you’ve been following Intel’s AI chip releases for the last 12 months as we have, you will know that things haven’t gone exactly as planned.
- The initial release was first scheduled for Q3 2018 but was delayed until early Q1 2019 due to problems manufacturing chips in high quantities at scale.
- However, while they have yet to reveal what went wrong or when we can expect the next batch of chips, this new release has pushed all future releases back by three months (from October 2021 to January 2022).
The new RTX 4000 release window
It’s no secret that Intel is struggling to get their Nervana chips manufactured in high enough volumes to meet demand. However, at long last, we now have a better idea of when that might change. Intel’s new Nervana release schedule (which you can find here) now states that the latest RTX 4000 release will be available from October 2018.
This puts it three months later than the original schedule and almost a year after the first planned date. This is a big loss of time and a hefty delay, but we can’t really blame Intel. After all, they’ve had to retool their entire manufacturing operation to add these new chips, which is no small feat.
The RTX 4000 release will now be entering the market in the thick of the holiday season, which could be a risky move for Intel. However, on the plus side, it will still have the advantage of being the first AI chip available to the public at launch. So, if there are any problems with the release, they will have a lot of time to iron them out before the next shipment.
What to expect from the new RTX 4000 release
The new RTX 4000 release will be very similar in terms of performance to the RTX 5000, but with a slight drop in power consumption. This will allow it to operate more efficiently on a wider range of devices.
Keep in mind that these figures are only estimates, as neither Intel nor their partners have released specific data yet. Overall, the RTX 4000 is expected to have around 35% more raw performance than the RTX 2000. This means it can handle more complex AI models and make faster predictions.
As with the earlier models, it achieves this through its hybrid architecture, which combines both high-power CPUs and low-power GPUs. The only difference is that it now has a 35% lower power draw. The RTX 4000 will also have a wider range of supported integrations and chipsets than its predecessors.
This will make it a much more accessible option for companies looking to integrate AI technology into their products. It will be capable of being baked into a range of devices, from smartphones to laptops, smart speakers, and even some types of IoT devices.
The end of the line for the current Nervana chips
With the RTX 4000 now available, it’s safe to assume that the RTX 5000 and RTX 6000 will soon be phased out. This leaves the RTX 3000 as the only model that is still in production. Intel has said nothing about this model since its initial release, so we expect it to be taken out of production soon.
This means that in the next few months, the only Nervana chips that companies will have access to are the RTX 4000 and the RTX 3000. So, if you’re looking to integrate AI technology into your product, now is the time to get your orders in.
What this also means is that we can expect the price of the RTX 4000 to drop soon. This is because the demand for RTX 3000 will be low and Intel won’t be able to produce enough RTX 4000s to meet demand.
Lessons learned and why we think it’s a smart move
The release of the RTX 3000 and RTX 5000 in quick succession last year meant that Intel was generating buzz around their chips but having trouble keeping up with demand. We can see this in the prices of these chips on the second-hand market; they are being sold at a premium by those who got a hold of them early.
In the intervening period, however, Intel has been able to get the RTX 4000 online and produce enough units to meet demand without raising prices. This means that they can start making money again without relying on high second-hand prices to do so.
This might be a risky strategy. After all, Intel is hoping to generate hype for their new chips now but still trying to make money on the old chips before they run out of stock. However, with the RTX 4000 release occurring just before the holiday season, there is a good chance that demand for AI technology will be high. This will drive up the price of the RTX 4000 and help to cover the costs of the old models.
Power Usage
The new RTX 4000 release puts Intel’s Nervana chip line at the front of the pack in terms of the latest and greatest AI tech. This is great news for those who have already bought into Intel’s technology, as they have a whole holiday season to make money on their investment before it loses value.
However, it’s bad news for companies who have been eyeing up the RTX 5000 or RTX 6000 but have been waiting for the price to drop before pulling the trigger.
With the RTX 3000 also set to be taken out of production soon, there are only two options left on the table. For those who have the cash to burn, nothing is stopping you from buying an RTX 5000 or RTX 6000 right now.
However, you will be paying a significant premium on second-hand prices to do so. Alternatively, you can wait until the holiday season and hope that Intel’s gamble pays off.